After Craig completed his secondary schooling at James Hargest College he worked in a couple of engineering workshops. This afforded Craig the opportunity to experience first hand the type of work done by engineers and he was able to make a more informed decision that engineering was the career path he wished to pursue.
In mid 2002 Craig successfully applied to undertake the 20 week Certificate in General Engineering pre apprenticeship course at the Southern Institute of Technology. In early 2003 he was offered an apprenticeship with Southern Group Training and is currently on placement with Crown Sheetmetal Ltd. While most apprentices spend their apprenticeship with one host company Southern Group Training has the ability to place an apprentice with another host company if the original host has insufficient ongoing work, or is unable to provide training in all the unit standards required to enable the apprentice to complete his qualification. During the course of his apprenticeship Southern Group Training has placed Craig with two host companies to enable him to complete the full range of unit standards required to complete his Level 4 National Certificate.