After leaving South Otago High School, Jason began work in an engineering company where he gained a useful insight into the work routine. This work experience enabled Jason to make an informed decision that engineering is the career path for him. While in the workforce his employer was able to assess Jason’s suitability for an apprenticeship.
Jason has been offered a maintenance and diagnostics engineering apprenticeship employed through Southern Group Training as his previous employer preferred to leave the employment and management of apprentices to Southern Group Training.
Jason has his own Training Manager who has developed an individual training plan for him which sets realistic goals and timeframes to achieve them in. His Training Manager meets with Jason on a regular basis and is available as a mentor to both Jason and his supervisor.
The theory elements of Jason’s qualification are being covered through distance learning which means that Jason will need to develop and maintain a good study programme to ensure that he makes good steady progress through the theory introductions of his Level 4 National Certificate.