Michael attended Aparima College for four years before enrolling in the Level 2 National Certificate in Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering at the end of his sixth form year. During his pre apprenticeship course Michael did one day a week on work experience which helped him- decide that a career in engineering was the career path for him.
He was offered an apprenticeship with Southern Group Training and seconded to McNaught Engineering where he has just completed the third year of his apprenticeship. The practical elements of his qualification are taught on the job and through annual three weekly block courses at the Southern Institute of Technology.
The theory elements are taught through weekly evening classes. Once Michael has completed the theory assessment for a unit standard he is then able to be assessed in the practical elements, providing that he is able to prove that he is competent in the various tasks.
To achieve practical competency he must be able to complete the required practical tasks consistently well, unsupervised, in a commercial timeframe, using safe work practices. This level of competency is gained through practical work experience on job and through a series of block courses.