Having achieved his NCEA Level One at James Hargest College in 2002, Nigel went onto to complete in June 2003 the 12 week Certificate in Welding at the Southern Institute of Technology. This led to Nigel undertaking the 20 week National Certificate in General Engineering which he successfully completed in December 2003.
Nigel is employed as an apprentice with Southern Group Training and was placed on secondment with B.A.M. Engineering where he had completed his one day per week work experience while completing his general engineering pre apprenticeship course. When BAM Engineering was sold Southern Group Training placed Nigel with another suitable host company, G.E.M. Engineering.
While most apprentices spend their apprenticeship with one host company Southern Group Training has the ability to place an apprentice with another host company if the original host has insufficient ongoing work or is unable to provide training in all the unit standards required to enable the apprentice to complete his qualification. Nigel is currently working towards the completion of his Level 4 National Certificate in Heavy Fabrication Engineering.