News & Events » Graduate Profiles » Rhiannon Evans – Graphic Communications Apprentice

Rhiannon Evans – Graphic Communications Apprentice

Rhiannon completed her secondary education at James Hargest College and applied for a number of jobs before deciding that being a graphic communications printing apprentice might be worth serious consideration. Rhiannon was offered employment as an apprentice with Southern Group Training and placed on secondment with McDowall Print as her host company for her practical on job training.

A printing apprenticeship requires the completion of the theory components of a range of unit standards through distance learning which requires the apprentice to develop and maintain good study habits. Additional tuition support is provided through attendance at annual block courses in either Christchurch or Auckland.

Southern Group Training, as employer, pays for Rhiannon’s Training Manual, her distance learning course material and block course fees, and pays her while she is attending her annual block course. Travel and accommodation costs for block courses held outside Southland are also covered.

Rhiannon has her own Training Manager who has developed an individual training plan for her which sets realistic goals and timeframes to achieve them in. The Training Manager meets with Rhiannon on a regular basis and is available as a mentor to both Rhiannon and her supervisor.