News & Events » Graduate Profiles » Kieran Roberts – Light Fabrication Engineer

Kieran Roberts – Light Fabrication Engineer

Having completed his secondary schooling at James Hargest College Kieran successfully applied to undertake the engineering pre apprenticeship course at the Southern Institute of Technology. During the full year course Kieran spent a day each week on work experience with a sheet metal company which provided him an opportunity to confirm that a career in the light fabrication industry was the career path he wished to follow.

At completion of the course in late 2002 Kieran was offered an apprenticeship with Southern Group Training and has been seconded to Marshall Industries for the duration of his apprenticeship.

An apprenticeship offers the opportunity to gain a tertiary qualification at Level 4 without needing to take on a student debt. Apprentices are paid as they learn.

Southern Group Training, as employer, pays for Kieran’s Training Manual, his annual industry training fee, his evening class and block course fees, and pays him while he is attending his annual three week block course.

Apprentices needing to attend block courses held outside of Invercargill also have travel and accommodation costs paid for by Southern Group Training.