News & Events » Graduate Profiles » Matthew Wallis – M & D Engineer

Matthew Wallis – M & D Engineer

Matthew completed his secondary education at James Hargest College and in 2002 undertook study towards the Level 2 National Certificate in Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering through a pre apprenticeship course. While on the course Matthew made excellent progress and was offered an engineering apprenticeship with Southern Group Training mid way through the year.

Matthew was placed on secondment with the Alliance Group Lorneville as his primary placement during their annual engineering maintenance period July to December. During the processing season Matthew is placed with a secondary host company thereby gaining experience of different workshop practices and a much wider variety of engineering tasks.

Matthew’s secondary placements have included Alltec Engineering, Invercargill Engineering and most recently E Type Engineering. The diversity of experience has provided Matthew with a broad knowledge of engineering and will further enhance his employability as a fully qualified tradesman at the completion of his apprenticeship.

Given the international shortage of skilled trades’ people apprentices have the advantage of being highly sought after employees once they complete their Level 4 National Certificates and can reasonably expect to earn at least $35,000 per annum plus overtime for additional hours worked in their first year after qualifying.